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Hand Hygiene


3rd January 2021

Coronavirus is an evolving international health concern. This page will be updated with the latest information as it becomes available. 

We take your safety within the practice very seriously and our doctors are keeping up to date with developments as they arise.

NSW Health is releasing daily lists of new locations with known coronvirus risk. Click here for current list of locations with known coronavirus risk and advice. 

NSW Health has a new interactive map for covid case locations and advice.

For the safety of our staff and the other patients we still need to assume that every runny nose, cough and fever may be coronavirus. Therefore, if you have a cold, flu, runny nose, cough or believe you coming down with a respiratory illness please do not enter the practice as a courtesy to our staff and other patients. Instead book a phone consultation to organise swabbing or visit one of the local testing clinics. Once you have tested negative for covid19 you may come in for assessment and management of respiratory symptoms and fever.

We are following closely the recent news regarding the coronavirus vaccine and are cautiously optomistic that we will be able to offer this vaccine to our patients in the first half of 2021. Click here the Australia Governement COVID19 vaccination policy document.

The medicare rebate for telehealth has been extended until March, 2021 however as of October 1st the government has removed and reduced your bulk-billing incentives related to COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of this change to medicare phone consultations will be charged at the same rate as face-to-face consulations.

For further information on our billing procedures please view our appointment and fee page

Once again. If you suspect you have covid19 stay home and contact us or contact the coronavirus hotline on 1800020080

coronavirus testing and case location advice

3rd January, 2021 - Everyone in NSW with fever or acute respiratory symptoms such as cough, sore throat or shortness of breath should have a covid19 test. If you have any respiratory symptoms please call (do not visit) our practice to discuss the next steps for testing or click below for a list of local testing clinics.

List of locations with confirmed coronavirus cases in NSW and testing advice for these locations click here

Image by Davies Designs Studio



WE HAVE COMPILED SOME EXCELLENT resources TO help you TACKLE ANXIETY and manage uncertainty from home.

Please contact your GP if you feel you need more help

This Way Up 

supporting you through the Covid19 pandemic

Tips from Australian Psychological Society

Beyond Blue Looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak

Guide to living with worry and anxiety amidst global uncertainty

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